Level of Significance
- File
- Local
- Regional
- State
- National
Age (approx)
4mHeight - 26m

- Outstanding size (Scientific)
- Landscape (Social)
- Park/Garden/Town (Historic)
Statement of Significance
What is significant?
Two Moreton Bay Figs growing closely together near the centre of the Warrnambool Botanic Gardens.
How is it significant?
The Moreton Bay Figs are significant for scientific, landscape, aesthetic and historic reasons at the Regional level.
Why is it significant?
These two healthy Moreton Bay Figs which dominate the centre of the Gardens are scientifically significant for their outstanding size, including their large buttress roots. The trees are significant for their contribution to the landscape as they are among the most dramatic trees in the gardens and their massive spreading roots provide a playground for children and are a popular photography location. The trees also provide nectar/food for the local Grey-headed Flying Foxes which live in the Gardens. The trees are aesthetically significant for their impressive buttress roots and historically significant for being a part of the historic Warrnambool Botanic Gardens.