Level of Significance
- File
- Local
- Regional
- State
- National
Age (approx)
4mHeight - 60m
- Remnant (Scientific)
- Outstanding size (Scientific)
- Outstanding species (Scientific)
Statement of Significance
What is significant?
This huge Mountain grey gum is located amongst logging regrowth high on a ridge a few kilometres from the small locality of Tanjil Bren. It is one of a set of large old growth trees in Victoria also on the register (T12342, T12344, T12345, T12346, T12347, T12348, T12349, T12350, T12351, T12356, T12357, T12358).
How is it significant?
This Mountain grey gum (Eucalyptus cypellocarpa) is significant for scientific reasons at State level.
Why is it significant?
This tree is outstanding for its size, with a height of 60m, spread of 20m and girth of 11m. It is an outstanding example of the species with the trunk very large up to the height of 40m, with little buttressing. The first known measurements of this tree were taken in 1993.