Level of Significance
- File
- Local
- Regional
- State
- National
Age (approx)
1mHeight - 16m

- Outstanding size (Scientific)
- Landscape (Social)
- Attractive (Aesthetic)
- Unusual (Aesthetic)
Statement of Significance
What is significant?
An individual, unmodified Algerian Oak growing along the edge of an old, disused track that once led to a ford that crossed Birch’s Creek (formerly Bullarook Creek). The tree is in Bullarook Creek Streamside Reserve.
How is it significant?
This Algerian Oak Trees is significant for scientific, social and aesthetic reasons at the Regional level.
Why is it significant?
This Algerian Oak Trees is scientifically significant for a large canopy spread and large trunk circumference. It is significant for its contribution to the local landscape due to the connection with early farming and settlement in the area. The tree was most likely planted prior to 1883 along a track that led to a ford. A bluestone bridge was constructed over the creek in 1883. The track is currently overgrown but some bluestone cobbles are still visible in sections. The tree is aesthetically significant for the natural/unmodified open-growth form which includes sweeping low branches which are unusually low to the ground. There are two younger Algerian Oak trees growing near this Significant Algerian Oak.