Level of Significance
- File
- Local
- Regional
- State
- National
Age (approx)
0.6mHeight - 10m

- Outstanding species (Scientific)
- Location/Context (Social)
- Landscape (Social)
- Landmark (Social)
- Contemporary association (Social)
- Person/Group/Institution (Historic)
- Species/Location (Aesthetic)
Statement of Significance
The trees are planted on the verges on both sides of Anzac Highway which is a Memorial road and unique situation.It is an outstanding planting of these trees , they make a significant contribution of the landscape , have an ongoing association with an association with a memorial ,and the the Returned Soldiers League (RSL) The best trees are better than average examples of its type . The largest trees measure 16 metres high , trunk circumference 2.65 metres , north /south canopy 14.5 metres and east/west canopy 16 metres .
The Claret Ash is a South Australian icon having originated in the state . In about 1910 Tully Woolaston and his gardener Mr J Gates purchased a plum coloured Ash seedling from from a row of seedlings at Sewells Nursery ( later Kemps) at Aldgate in the Adelaide Hills . The tree was planted in 1910 at Woolaston's Bridgewater property where he also owned the Ray Nursery . The tree proved to be of special interest because of its claret coloured Autumn foliage and was first propagated by Mr Gates . The original tree no longer exists .
The property itself ultimately became known as Arbury Park home Sir Alexander Downer and his family.
The reference for this information is : B Morley, Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 1 (1) :35-36 (1976)
The road from the City to Glenelg was commonly known as the Bay Road . In 1917 the government was lobbied by a newly formed group the Anzac Memorial League to refurbish the road and rename it as a tribute to South Australians who served in the first World War . Eventually in 1923 the government renamed the road Anzac Highway . Some road works and unsuccesful planting was carried out . In 1937 the State Government together with the West Torrens Council , Unley Council and Glenelg ( now Holdfast Bay ) Council came to an agreement on the future of the road and this was ratified in parliament in 1937 as the Anzac Highway Memorial Act .The programme was to turn the road into a dual highway with a plantation down the middle and the councils to oversee the planting and care of Claret Ash trees on their verges in their respective areas, the councils still are responsible for this today .
The basis for much of this information is:The West Torrens Historian Volume 7 Number 2 August 2015
The trees line the verges of the north and south sides of most of Anzac Highway which runs from the City to Glenelg and is approximately 9KM in length
The latest planting of Claret Ash in South Australia and their major contribution to the landscape .
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