Level of Significance
- File
- Local
- Regional
- State
- National
Age (approx)
3mHeight - 13m

- Horicultural/Genetic (Scientific)
- Outstanding species (Scientific)
- Landscape (Social)
- Landmark (Social)
- Park/Garden/Town (Historic)
- Attractive (Aesthetic)
- Species/Location (Aesthetic)
Statement of Significance
The rich, fertile soil, temperate climate, and the interest of many of its citizens in things botanical, has resulted in Toowoomba Region’s ability to grow a wide range of indigenous and non-indigenous plants. In 1860, the area was the first to hold an Agricultural Show in Queensland – 15 years before Brisbane. Walter Hill, the then Government Botanist and first curator of the Brisbane City Botanic Gardens, travelled to Toowoomba to advise with the design and planning of Queen's Park and street plantings in Toowoomba. He subsequently imported many tree species from Europe, Asia and other parts of the world to be planted there. Hill Street in Toowoomba is named in his honour. The town attracts many visitors in September for its famous Carnival of Flowers, where people come from near and far to enjoy Toowoomba’s many parks and gardens. Lake Annand is a pleasant water attraction which has been created along Toowoomba's East Creek. At two hectares, Lake Annand Park was created with a New Zealand theme simulating its geysers and lava flow.
The trees have horticultural value because of their outstanding girth.
They make a significant contribution to the park landscape in this historic town and are important landmarks, marking the Bright Street entrance to the park. They have contemporary association with the local community, members of which value its many parks and trees. They have amazing appearance and are excellent example of their species.
The tree is located either side of the Bright Street entrance to Lake Annand Park.