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Level of Significance

  • File
  • Local
  • Regional
  • State
  • National







Height - 30m


Common name
Araucaria bidwillii
Botanical name
Bunya Pine Avenue
Ipswich City (QLD)
Endeavour Road Riverview QLD 4303
  • Horicultural/Genetic (Scientific)
  • Outstanding size (Scientific)
  • Outstanding species (Scientific)
  • Location/Context (Social)
  • Landscape (Social)
  • Landmark (Social)
  • Spiritual/Religious (Social)
  • Contemporary association (Social)
  • Park/Garden/Town (Historic)
  • Commemorative (Historic)
  • Event (Historic)
  • Person/Group/Institution (Historic)
  • Attractive (Aesthetic)
  • Species/Location (Aesthetic)
Date of germination
01 Jan 1922
Date of measurement
01 Mar 2014
Date of classification
23 Feb 2015

Statement of Significance

The trees are outstanding for their size and they are outstanding examples of their species. The bunya pine avenue is believed to be the largest one in Australia and contributes significantly to the landscape. It is clearly visible from distances as there is little surrounding vegetation close to their size. It is an important landmark which forms part of the garden of the former boys’ home. The unique location and context of the former Salvation Army Childrens' home and the unusually large size of the avenue render them significant. The avenue is associated with the Salvation Army of Australia faith, the Riverview boys’ home and the children who resided there. The trees are also associated with Captain and Mrs Glitheroe, who were responsible for their planting, and the founder of the Salvation Army founder, William Booth, who visited the site. They have contemporary association with the members of the community who value their imposing presence. They are of great aesthetic value. These pines are better than average examples of their species in this location.


The Riverview Home run by the Salvation Army from 1897 until its license was revoked by the Queensland Government in 1977. The home opened in 1897 and housed neglected girls 15 years and under. It operated as an industrial school, with the girls undertaking domestic and agricultural tasks. In October 1898 the facility changed to an Industrial School for Boys. Boys sentenced to confinement by Children's Courts were sent here for training in general farm work. In 1926 its function changed from a boys reformatory to a training farm for local boys and British 'child migrants' over 14 years. In 1935 it once again became an Industrial School. The name changed to ‘Home for Boys, Riverview’ in 1956 when it ceased operating as an Industrial School.
An Ipswich City Council plaque at the site reads: The avenue of trees leading to Canaan are believed to have been planted c1920 by Salvation Army personnel, Captain and Mrs Glitheroe and the boys from the farm. The sites use as a boys’ home began as early as 1893. Canaan is a rare example of a substantial institutional building which was constructed in 1884 and transformed c1897 into a girls’ home. The anchorage farm manager’s residence (Bethany) was constructed c1890 and the founder of the Salvation Army, General William Booth, is believed to have planted the hoop pine in 1899.
Another plaque nearby read: This monument commemorates the residents of Riverview Girls Home April 1897 to June 1898 and Riverview Boys Home July 1898 to January 1977 ‘Never to be forgotten’ and was funded by the Salvation Army of Australia and Mayor Paul Pisasale City of Ipswich 14 January 2012.
This avenue is believed to be the longest Bunya Avenue in Australia. The trees were planted on either side of the driveway to the Salvation Army Boys’ home by Captain and Mrs Glitheroe and Queensland State Ward boys in 1922.


The Avenue is located at the northern end of Endeavour Road at the junction of Endeavour and Riverview Roads.