Level of Significance
- File
- Local
- Regional
- State
- National
Age (approx)
0.9mHeight - 22m

- Landscape (Social)
- Attractive (Aesthetic)
- Species/Location (Aesthetic)
Statement of Significance
This tree was first recorded by the National Trust on 11 August 1982. Located on the median strip in Flemington Road, just before Mt Alexander Road turnoff, this is a fine specimen tree in an otherwise ugly streetscape.
The historical photo shown above was taken in 1969, and at that time, the tree can already be seen as a mature specimen.
In 1983, a local baby was born by the tree, as his parent's rushed to the Women's Hospital . Read the nice anecdote here: http://tdu.to/86119.msg
This tree has received letters of appreciation as part of the City of Melbourne's "E-mail a Tree" program.
A Melbourne cyclist wrote “I admire your spectacular trunk every time I ride past. I wish there were more of you along Flemington Road.”
The tree responded, ” I would also love [it] if there were more of my cousins in my hood!”
Source: 'An Arboreal Affair: Melbourne's love letters to trees', ArchitectureAu http://architectureau.com/articles/an-arboreal-affair-melbournes-love-letters-to-trees/
Want to send this tree a message?
E-mail address: [email protected]
Subject line: Information about a Lemon Scented Gum, Tree ID 1020559