Level of Significance
- File
- Local
- Regional
- State
- National
0.9mHeight - 14m
- Outstanding size (Scientific)
- Outstanding species (Scientific)
- Location/Context (Social)
- Landscape (Social)
- Park/Garden/Town (Historic)
- Species/Location (Aesthetic)
Statement of Significance
The palm is significant at State level as a mature example of the species with large physical dimensions in comparison with other palms of the same species under cultivation in Victoria. The palm is currently in good health and has good structural integrity.
Mature Jubaea chilensis are also rare under conservation in Victoria with less than 25 known, with the high majority of these already included on the register. This specimen is also located within the context of the historic Melbourne University grounds, and in particular the Botany department's System Garden. Jubaea chilensis is also highly threatened in its native ecologies in Chile.
The palm is approximately 128 years of age making it of Victorian period origin and which also makes it of similar age to other large and mature specimens of this species around the state such as those at the Kyneton and Geelong Botanic Gardens. Within the Melbourne University grounds there are currently nine entries of trees (covering six classifications) listed on the National Trust's Register of Significant Trees and the inclusion of this Jabaea chilensis is in keeping with the historic, botanical and agricultural quality of the trees currently included on the register.
Some history of the System Garden can be viewed at the following website:
Located in the central portion of the System Garden at Melbourne University's Parkville campus.