Level of Significance
- File
- Local
- Regional
- State
- National
Age (approx)
2mHeight - 36m

- Horicultural/Genetic (Scientific)
- Resistance (Scientific)
- Remnant (Scientific)
- Outstanding size (Scientific)
- Outstanding species (Scientific)
- Landscape (Social)
- Landmark (Social)
- Contemporary association (Social)
- Park/Garden/Town (Historic)
- Attractive (Aesthetic)
- Species/Location (Aesthetic)
Statement of Significance
The tree is of horticultural value because of its remarkable age and size. It is particularly resistant to exposure as it has weathered many storms over the centuries. It is remnant native vegetation. The tree is outstanding for its size and age and is an outstanding example of its species, being only the second largest of its type in the area. An average mature Forest Red Gum has a circumference of around 3 metres, whereas the circumference of this tree is 7.4 metres. It makes a significant contribution to landscape and provides a visual and environmental amenity. The tree provides an important landmark along the road outside Calvert. The tree is associated with the historic town of Calvert. It has contemporary association with community members who value its presence and appreciate its enormous size and venerable age and connection to the country before European settlement. It is an extremely imposing tree and the second largest known in the area.
Calvert lies west of Brisbane where the countryside has been extensively cleared for farming. However, this venerable tree remains. It is possible that its immense size and its location at the bottom of a bank beside a creek may have made this tree too difficult to clear.
The tree is located to the left of Hiddenvale Road travelling south at the junction of Gipps Street and next to a bridge.
Calvert lies west of Brisbane where the countryside has been extensively cleared for farming. However, this venerable tree remains. It is possible that its immense size and its location at the bottom of a bank beside a creek may have made this tree too difficult to clear.
The tree is located to the left of Hiddenvale Road travelling south at the junction of Gipps Street and next to a bridge.
Specifications and information concerning this tree have been sourced from an arborist's report, including the tree's age which has been determined with a scientific instrument.
The tree has been featured in an article in 'The Queensland Times', because of its unusual size and impressive appearance.